Donate today

You can help Shining S.C.A.R.S.'s mission to make sure all children learn a positive self-image that begins from the inside out. Your donation will help us fill hospital rooms, and burn centers, with a copy of my Mom’s Choice Award-winning children’s book Shining Scars. Your company or family donation will help ensure that all children can see the strength of their scars, and always learn to Shine Bright, just like my sweet little star, Eugene!

Shining S.C.A.R.S. Inc., is a 501(c)3, simply click the Donate Now button and donate any amount you wish. With your help, we can make sure all children understand they are more than the scars they bear. Life has its challenges, but learning to love yourself, flaws and all should never be one of them.

Join us and donate today and be part of our mission to ensure ALL children learn at an early age to Shine Bright!  



Shining Scars receives request from all over the world!

Join us today as we send copies of Shining Scars to children just like Gabriella in Columbia.
